31650 | Riparian vegetation model of the Danube River (Machland, Austria): changes of processes and vegetation patterns | Publication | File (digital) | Gregory Egger, Anton Drescher, Severin Hohensinner, Mathias Jungwirth | 0 | NPDA |
28196 | Nitrogen cycling in wetland sediments influenced by different surface water exchange conditions | Publication | File (digital) | Matthias Mair | 0 | NPDA |
32258 | Rapid carbon accretion and organic matter pool stabilization in riverine floodplain soils | Publication | File (digital) | F. Zehetner, G. Lair, M. Graf, M. Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
32282 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC 1.5 | Publication | File (digital) | Ruben Kretzschmar, Andreas Voegelin, Frank-Andreas Weber | 0 | NPDA |
32274 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC2.7_BIS | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Grathwohl, Christophe Mouvet, Bertrand Ligouis, Tilman Gocht, Dietmar Steidle | 0 | NPDA |
31661 | Landschaftsökologische Charakterisierung des Kopa269;ki Rit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Flusslandschaftsformen sowie deren Genese und Typologie | Publication | File (digital) | Ulrich Schwarz | 0 | NPDA |
32267 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM4.1 AND 5.1 | Publication | File (digital) | Alette Langenhoff, Hans-Jorgen Albrechtsen, Miriam van Eekert, Jan Gerritse, Patrick Höhener, Daniel Hunkeler, Barbara Morasch, Gosse Schraa, Hauke Sm | 0 | NPDA |
32255 | Schadstoffverhalten in Flüssen und Aulandschaften | Publication | File (digital) | Georg Lair, Franz Zehetner, Sabine Klepsch, Martin Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
42661 | Danubeparks Map 2008 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2008 | NPDA |
42655 | Danubeparks Newsletter 26.09.2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
31730 | Geomorphologische Auswirkungen der Altarmöffnung im Gebiet Haslau/Donau - Renaturierungsprogramm in der Regelsbrunner Au | Publication | File (digital) | Melanie Micek | 0 | NPDA |
34756 | Bericht über die Ergebnisse der monatlichen Beprobung des Altarmes Poigenau für den Zeitraum Mai 2015 bis April 2016 zur Vorlage bei der Naturschutzbehörde | Publication | File (digital) | Matthias Zessner | 0 | NPDA |
29570 | Dotation Lobau Abschnitt Obere Lobau Beweissicherung 2006 Bericht Hydrochemie & Phytoplankton | Publication | Paperwork | Zornig H., Görnet B., Riedler P., Donabaum K. | 2007 | NPDA |
42664 | Declaration of Tulcea | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2007 | NPDA |
42691 | Danubeparks Newsletter 23.03.2011 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2011 | NPDA |
29636 | Analyse und Auswertung vorhandener Grundwasserdaten in Abstimmung mit den hydrologischen Bearbeitungen in der Unteren Lobau (GWqual-Ist 2005) | Publication | Paperwork | Orlikowski D. & T. Hein | 2005 | NPDA |
32269 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC3.2 | Publication | File (digital) | Francis Garrido, Catherine Joulian, Antoine Joubert, Lise Lucas, Michel Jauzein, Karolien Vanbroekhoven, Piet Seuntjens, Ludo Diels | 0 | NPDA |
32250 | Dating of soil layers in a young floodplain using iron oxide crystallinity | Publication | File (digital) | Georg J. Lair, Franz Zehetner, Markus Hrachowitz, Nikolaus Franz, Franz-Josef Maringer, Marin Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
34308 | Optima Lobau: Erste Ergebnisse der MCA - Gleichgewichtung Stakeholder | Publication | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
32290 | Passive Air Sampling of PCBs, PBDEs, and Organochlorine Pesticides Across Europe | Publication | File (digital) | Foday Jaward, Nick Farrar, Tom Harner, Andrew Sweetman, Kevin Jones | 0 | NPDA |
42641 | DANUBEparksCONNECTED - Newsletter | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2017 | NPDA |
42644 | DANUBEINSIDE (deutsch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2017 | NPDA |
28275 | Rekonstruktion der historischen hydromorphologischen Eingriffe an der Donau im Wiener und Tullner Becken | Publication | File (digital) | Christoph Holub | 2012 | NPDA |
32320 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BASIN5.11 | Publication | File (digital) | Jaroslav Slobodnk, Carmen Hamchevichi, Igor Liska, Adriana Shearman, Béla Csányi, Jarmila Makovinská, Momir Paunovi&269;, , Lvia Tóthová, Petra Stahlsch | 0 | NPDA |
29509 | Monitoring Untere Lobau: Hydrochemie Oberflächengewässer, Hochwassereinfluss auf die Produktivität, Hydrochemie Grundwasser & Phytoplankton | Publication | Paperwork | Hein T., Kucera-Hirzinger V., Orlikovski D., Preiner S., Riedler P., Donabaum K. & Weigelhofer G. | 2005 | NPDA |
32266 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM4.3 | Publication | File (digital) | Bas van der Zaan, Neslihan Tas, Hans-Jrgen Albrechtsen, Alette Langenhoff, Hauke Smidt, and Jan Gerritse | 0 | NPDA |
32289 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM1.3 | Publication | File (digital) | Ruben Kretzschmar, Andreas Voegelin, Frank-Andreas Weber | 0 | NPDA |
42676 | Dynamic Danube Natural Values | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
33327 | Hydrological connectitiy between surface and subsurface systems in riverine floodplains - a key factor in controlling groundwater nutrient dynamics and the structure of hypogean animal assemblages | Publication | File (digital) | Angelika Steiniger | 0 | NPDA |
31699 | Beiträge zur Flussgeschichte der Donau im Marchfeld im Bereich Fadenbach II | Publication | None | Florian Ettmüller, Micheal Schwarz | 0 | NPDA |
42617 | Gewässer Lobau - Literaturführer | Publication | File (digital) | Gerahrd Imhof | 1987 | NPDA |
42716 | Flussbau im Nationalpark - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven | Publication | File (digital) | Carl Manzano | 2015 | NPDA |
31649 | Leitbild-specific measures for the rehabilitation of the heavily modified Austrian Danube River | Publication | File (digital) | M. Jungwirth, G. Haidvogl, S. Hohensinner, S. Muhar, S. Schmutz, H. Waidbacher | 0 | NPDA |
29489 | Reconstruction of the characteristics of a natural alluvial river-floodplain system and hydromorphological changes following human modifications: the Danube River (1812-1991) | Publication | File (digital) | S. Hohensinner, H. Habersack, M. Jungwirth, G. Zauner | 2004 | NPDA |
32296 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F3.7 | Publication | File (digital) | G. Klaver, I. Bakker, B. Van Os, F.Bunnik, Ph. Négrel, E. Petelet-Giraud | 0 | NPDA |
32311 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F2.4 | Publication | File (digital) | B. van der Grift, A. Marsman, E. Kalbus, M. Bayer-Raich, F. Reinstorf, M. Schirmer, E. Petelet-Giraud, A. Brenot, P. Negrel, L. Gourcy, N. Baran | 0 | NPDA |
32265 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM5.3 | Publication | File (digital) | Jasperien de Weert, Miriam van Eekert, Hans-Jorgen Albrechtsen, Barbara Morasch, Gosse Schraa, Alette Langenhoff | 0 | NPDA |
32276 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC2.9 | Publication | File (digital) | Satoshi Endo, Peter Grathwohl, Tilman Gocht | 0 | NPDA |
42695 | Danubeparks Newsletter 10.02.2010 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
32278 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC2.11 | Publication | File (digital) | Alain Saada, Christophe Mouvet, Anne Gautier, Till Gocht, Peter Grathwohl | 0 | NPDA |
42566 | Zu den Möglichkeiten einer Geschiebebewirtschaftung und den zugehörigen Optimierungspotentialen für die Donau östlich von Wien | Publication | File (digital) | Gerhard Klasz | 0 | NPDA |
32425 | Veranstaltungsunterlagen - Stakeholder Diaolog 12.03.2015 | Publication | File (digital) | | 0 | NPDA |
32312 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F2.3 | Publication | File (digital) | B. van der Grift, A. Marsman, E. Kalbus, M. Bayer-Raich, F. Reinstorf, M. Schirmer, E. Petelet-Giraud, A. Brenot, P. Negrel, L. Gourcy, N. Baran | 0 | NPDA |
32263 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: FLUX 1.11 | Publication | File (digital) | Dietmar Steidle, Tilman Gocht, Peter Grathwohl | 0 | NPDA |
33331 | Analysis of morphological changes of the Danube on the basis of repeated river bed surveys | Publication | None | Desislava Balzhieva | 0 | NPDA |
32279 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC2.12 | Publication | File (digital) | Satoshi Endo, Peter Grathwohl, Tilman Gocht | 0 | NPDA |
42686 | Danubeparks Newsletter 20.12.2012 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
42654 | DANUBE INSIDE (englisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2013 | NPDA |
32322 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: MONITOR3.5 | Publication | File (digital) | W. Rösler, E. Appel | 0 | NPDA |
32257 | Rates of biogeochemical phosphorus and copper redistribution in young floodplain soils | Publication | File (digital) | F. Zehetner, G. Lair, M. Graf, M. Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
32256 | Luminescence DAting of Historical Fluvial Deposits from the Danube and Ebro | Publication | File (digital) | Markus Fiebig, Frank Preusser, Damian Steffen, Edit Thamo-Bozso, Michael Grabner, Georg Lair, Marin Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
34712 | Effects of bank and channel morphology on the sediment quality of agricultural first-order streams | Publication | None | Bernadette Teufl | 0 | NPDA |
34309 | Optimised management of riverine landscapes based on a multi-criteria Decision Support System: merging societal requirements and ecological development in a changing world (Optima Lobau) ProVision Projekt EZ.: 133-260/05 - Zwischenbericht 2. Projektphase | Publication | File (digital) | | 2006 | NPDA |
32264 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: T1.12 | Publication | File (digital) | G. Lair, M. Gerzabek, M. Fiebig, F. Zehetner | 0 | NPDA |
31643 | Phosphorus dynamics and biological activity in relation to an artificial water enhancement scheme in an urban backwater system in Vienna | Publication | File (digital) | Elisabeth Bondar | 0 | NPDA |
34307 | Einladung zur Ausstellung proVISION unterwegs. Forschung für nachhaltige Entwicklung | Publication | File (digital) | BOKU & MA 49 | 2008 | NPDA |
32308 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: FLUX1.2 | Publication | File (digital) | Johannes Barth, Peter Grathwohl | 0 | NPDA |
42683 | Netzwerk der Donau-Schutzgebiete (deutsch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
42659 | Danubeparks Newsletter 26.03.2013 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2013 | NPDA |
32293 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: Flux 3.3 | Publication | File (digital) | G. Klaver, B. Van Os, H.Gieske, Ph. Négrel, E. Petelet-Giraud, R. Millot, S. Roy, J. Casanova | 0 | NPDA |
34306 | Einladung zur Ausstellung proVISION unterwegs. Forschung für nachhaltige Entwicklung | Publication | File (digital) | BOKU & MA 49 | 2008 | NPDA |
32319 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: H2.3 | Publication | File (digital) | P. Goderniaux, S. Brouyère | 0 | NPDA |
32310 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: FLUX1.4 | Publication | File (digital) | Foday Jaward, Claudia Moeckel, Kevin Jones, Martin Gerzabek, Huub Rijnaards, Christophe Mouvet, George Lair, Michel Normand, Nicole Baran, et al. | 0 | NPDA |
31651 | Type-specific reference conditions of fluvial landscapes: A search in the past by 3D-reconstruction | Publication | File (digital) | Severin Hohensinner, Mathew Herrnegger, Alfred P. Blaschke, Christine Habereder, Gertrud Haidvogl, Thomas Hein, Mathias Jungwirth, Michael Wei&946; | 0 | NPDA |
42713 | Zur Anwendung des Prinzips Sisyphos Oder: Vom Geschiebedefizit zum 'Geschiebemanagement' | Publication | File (digital) | Gerhard Klasz | 2015 | NPDA |
42694 | Danubeparks Newsletter 27.05.2010 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
32249 | Description of the soil sampling sites in the Danube basin for TREND 1 | Publication | File (digital) | Georg Lair, Martin Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
42642 | DANUBEparksCONNECTED - 1st Newsletter | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2017 | NPDA |
32304 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F1.9 | Publication | File (digital) | Christophe Mouvet, Nicole Baran, Manuela Peschka, Thomas Knepper | 0 | NPDA |
29641 | Dotation Lobau: Abschnitt Obere Lobau: Beweissicherung 2005: Bericht Hydrochemie & Phytoplankton | Publication | Paperwork | Weigelhofer, G., Bondar, E., Zornig, H., Hein, T., Riedler, P., & Donaubaum, K. | 2005 | NPDA |
31737 | Aufnahme und Beschreibung der Sedimente des Hochwassers Anfang Juni 2013 im Bereich des Nationalparks Donau-Auen | Publication | File (digital) | Gisela Wittwer | 0 | NPDA |
31627 | Flussbauliches Gesamtprojekt Donauauen: Auswirkungen von Deregulierungsmaßnahmen auf die Flussmorphologie der Donau eine Analyse basierend auf Experteninterviews | Publication | File (digital) | Alena Rabitz | 0 | NPDA |
42794 | Monitoring and Assessment of Nutrient Removal Capacities of Riverine Wetlands Inception Report (Präsentation 2) | Publication | None | DRP | 2006 | NPDA |
34652 | Quecksilberumsetzung in verschiedenen Gewässern | Publication | None | Christiane Christian | 0 | NPDA |
34310 | Pre-proposal for the Austrian MAB Committee 2004 for an integrated project on Topic C, partly on Topic B | Publication | File (digital) | BOKU & MA 49 | 2008 | NPDA |
42679 | Netzwerk der Donau-Schutzgebiete (englisch: Danube River Network of Protected Areas) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
42680 | Netzwerk der Donau-Schutzgebiete (slowakisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
42793 | Monitoring and Assessment of Nutrient Removal Capacities of Riverine Wetlands Inception Report (Präsentation 1) | Publication | None | DRP | 2006 | NPDA |
42662 | Danubeparks Map 2009 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2009 | NPDA |
42692 | Danubeparks Newsletter 14.12.2010 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
31648 | The Integrated River Engineering Project for the free-flowing Danube in the Austrian Alluvila Zone National Park: contradictory goals and mutual solutions | Publication | File (digital) | W. Reckenhofer, R. Schmalfuss, C. Baumgartner, H. Habersack, S. Hohensinner, M. Jungwirth, F. Schiemer | 0 | NPDA |
32252 | Geochemical fractions of copper in soil chronosequences of selected European floodplains | Publication | File (digital) | M. Graf, G. Lair, Franz Zehetner, M. Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
28192 | Studie zur Flussmorphologie der freifließenden Donau, Wien bis Marchmündung | Publication | File (digital) | Gerhard Klasz | 0 | NPDA |
32268 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM4.2 | Publication | File (digital) | Neslihan Tas, Hauke Smidt, Hans-Jrgen Albrechtsen, Bas van der Zaan, Alette Langenhoff and Jan Gerritse | 0 | NPDA |
42657 | Danubeparks Newsletter 23.01.2014 | Publication | None | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
32260 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM 2.2a | Publication | File (digital) | Alain Saada, Christophe Mouvet, Anne Gautier | 0 | NPDA |
32273 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC2.7 | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Grathwohl, Christophe Mouvet, Bertrand Ligouis, Tilman Gocht, Dietmar Steidle | 0 | NPDA |
32251 | Distribution of cadmium among geochemical fractions in floodplain soils of progressing development | Publication | File (digital) | Georg Lair, M. Graf, Franz Zehetner, M. Gerzabek | 0 | NPDA |
32315 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: FLUX2.1 | Publication | File (digital) | CJ. Valstar, L. Wipfler, P. Middeldorp, Schmidt, M. Bayer-Raich, M. Schirmer, N. Baran, C. Mouvet, A. Gutierrez, Ph. Négrel | 0 | NPDA |
42650 | Danubeparks Map 2014 | Publication | None | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
42715 | Gewässerökologische Betrachtungen zur Entwicklung der Flusslandschaft | Publication | File (digital) | Mathias Jungwirth, Severin Hohensinner | 2015 | NPDA |
42687 | Danubeparks Newsletter 04.04.2012 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
32318 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: H2.5 | Publication | File (digital) | C. Mouvet, A. Gutierrez, S. Dautrebande, D. Baes, G. Janniche, H. Albrechtsen | 0 | NPDA |
42648 | DANUBEPARKS STEP 2.0 Project - Projektbericht 2012-2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
42636 | European Natura 2000 Award 2015 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks, EU | 2015 | NPDA |
42649 | DANUBEPARKS STEP 2.0 Project - Project report 2012-2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
42678 | Exploring Nature Along The Danube River | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2011 | NPDA |
32309 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: FLUX1.3 | Publication | File (digital) | Foday Jaward, Claudia Moeckel, Kevin Jones , Frédéric Jouin, Christophe Mouvet | 0 | NPDA |
32306 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F1.10 | Publication | File (digital) | Tilman Gocht, Sandra Meijer, Claudia Moeckel, Dietmar Steidle, Kevin Jones, Peter Grathwohl | 0 | NPDA |
32275 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC 2.8 | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Grathwohl, Christophe Mouvet, Bertrand Ligouis, Tilman Gocht, Dietmar Steidle | 0 | NPDA |
32285 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.:BGC1.17 | Publication | File (digital) | Kai Totsche | 0 | NPDA |
42792 | Monitoring and Assessment of Nutrient Removal Capacities of Riverine Wetlands Inception Report (Projektkonzept) | Publication | None | DRP | 2006 | NPDA |
42653 | DANUBE INSIDE (deutsch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
32270 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM2.2 | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Grathwohl, Tilman Gocht, Christophe Mouvet, Anne Gautier, Kevin Jones | 0 | NPDA |
42677 | DANUBEPARKS Project Report 2009-2012 (englisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
42615 | Morphometrie, Hydrologie und Sedimentologie in den Orther Donauauen | Publication | File (digital) | Walter Reckendorfer | 2000 | NPDA |
42635 | The Danubeparks Association - A shared commitment to Danube Conservation | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 0 | NPDA |
29574 | Dotation Lobau - Abschnitt Obere Lobau - Beweissicherung 2008 - Bericht Hydrochemie & Phytoplankton | Publication | Paperwork | Zornig, H.; Riedler, P.; Donabaum, K. | 2009 | NPDA |
29568 | Dotation Lobau: Abschnitt Obere Lobau: Beweissicherung 2004: Bericht Hydrochemie & Phytoplankton. | Publication | Paperwork | Weigelhofer, G., Bondar, E., Zornig, H., Hein, T., Riedler, P., & Donaubaum, K. | 2005 | NPDA |
42663 | Declaration of Vienna | Publication | None | Danubeparks | 2009 | NPDA |
42643 | DANUBEINSIDE (english) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2017 | NPDA |
32253 | How do long-term development and periodical changes of river-floodplain systems affect the fate of contaminants? Results from European rivers | Publication | File (digital) | G. Lair, F.Zehetner, M. Fiebig, M. Gerzabek, C. van Gestel, T. Hein, S. Hohensinner, P. Hsu, K. Jones, G. Jordan, A. Koelmans, A. Poot, et al. | 0 | NPDA |
31655 | Hydrological connectivity of a Danube river-floodplain system in the Austrian Machland: changes between 1812 and 1991 | Publication | None | Severin Hohensinner, Gregory Egger, Gertrud Haidvogl, Mathias Jungwirth, Susanne Muhar, Stefan Schmutz | 0 | NPDA |
32302 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F1.6 | Publication | File (digital) | Sandra Meijer, Claudia Moeckel, Kevin Jones, Christophe Mouvet, Nicole Baran | 0 | NPDA |
32259 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change | Publication | File (digital) | G. Lair, M. Gerzabek, M. Fiebig, F. Zehetner | 0 | NPDA |
29537 | Historical analysis of habitat turnover and age distributions as a reference for restoration of Austrian Danube floodplains | Publication | File (digital) | S. Hohensinner, G. Haidvogl, M. Jungwirth, S. Muhar, S. Preis, S. Schmutz | 2005 | NPDA |
32291 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F3.1 | Publication | File (digital) | G. Klaver, B. Van Os, H. Gieske, Ph. Négrel, E. Petelet-Giraud, R. Millot, S. Roy, J. Casanova | 0 | NPDA |
32280 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC2.13 | Publication | File (digital) | Sandra Meijer, Claudia Moeckel, Kevin C Jones, Dietmar Steidle, Tilman Gocht, Peter Grathwohl | 0 | NPDA |
42684 | Netzwerk der Donau-Schutzgebiete (rumänisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
32277 | Deliverable BGC2.10: Testing of the experimental setup enabling the study of pesticide leaching through rock columns under realistic conditions (BRGM) | Publication | File (digital) | Nicolas Surdyk, Igor G. Dubus, Anne Gautier, Catherine Crouzet, Christophe Mouvet | 0 | NPDA |
42693 | Danubeparks Newsletter 01.09.2010 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
32317 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: H2.4 | Publication | File (digital) | A. Gutierrez | 0 | NPDA |
31653 | Variability of habitat composition and hydrological connectivity in a changing Danube river landscape 1715 1991 | Publication | File (digital) | Severin Hohensinner, Mathias Jungwirth, Susanne Muhar, Stefan Schmutz | 0 | NPDA |
29647 | Hydrochemische Voruntersuchung im Maßnahmengebiet Untere Lobau. | Publication | File (digital) | HEIN, T. | 2006 | NPDA |
32303 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F1.7 | Publication | File (digital) | Sandra Meijer, Claudia Moeckel, Kevin Jones, David Kuntz, Dietmar Steidle | 0 | NPDA |
32287 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCCHEM1.4 | Publication | File (digital) | Ruben Kretzschmar, Andreas Voegelin, Frank-Andreas Weber | 0 | NPDA |
42681 | Netzwerk der Donau-Schutzgebiete (ungarisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
32313 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F2.5 | Publication | File (digital) | B. van der Grift, A. Marsman, E. Kalbus, M. Bayer-Raich, F. Reinstorf, M. Schirmer, E. Petelet-Giraud, A. Brenot, P. Negrel, L. Gourcy, N. Baran | 0 | NPDA |
31800 | Flussmorphologisches Premonitoring zum Naturversuch des Flussbaulichen Gesamtprojektes Donau östlich von Wien | Publication | File (digital) | Markus Schuch | 0 | NPDA |
28285 | Rekonstruktion ursprünglicher Lebensraumverhältnisse der Fluss-Auen-Biozönose der Donau im Machland auf Basis der morphologischen Entwicklung von 1715 1991 | Publication | File (digital) | Severin Hohensinner | 2008 | NPDA |
29493 | Projekt-Bericht: Untersuchungsbericht über 'Stehende Gewässer in Wien, Donau-Altarme' | Publication | Paperwork | A.G. Reuschel | 1977 | NPDA |
42714 | Voraussetzungen und Perspektiven für neue Lösungswege | Publication | File (digital) | Markus Simoner | 2015 | NPDA |
42605 | Hydrochemische Voruntersuchung zur Gewässervernetzung Orth an der Donau | Publication | File (digital) | Thomas Hein | 1999 | NPDA |
32321 | Monitoring and managing river pollutants | Publication | File (digital) | Damia Barcelo, Rikke Brix, Marinella Farre | 0 | NPDA |
32305 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F1.8 | Publication | File (digital) | Nicole Baran, Philippe Stollsteiner, Mira Petrovic, Christophe Mouvet | 0 | NPDA |
29510 | Monitoring Untere Lobau (MUL 2008) Bericht Hydrochemie und Phytoplankton der Oberflächengewässer, Hydrochemie und Hygiene des Grundwassers | Publication | Paperwork | Schabuss M., Zornig H., Görnet B., Hein T., Schiemer F., Riedler P., Donabaum K., Preiner S. | 2009 | NPDA |
32294 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F3.4 | Publication | File (digital) | J.-P. Hermand | 0 | NPDA |
42651 | DANUBE INSIDE (serbisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
42656 | Danubeparks Newsletter 06.05.2014 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
32283 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC 1.6 | Publication | File (digital) | Kai Totsche, Britt Pagels | 0 | NPDA |
32307 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: FLUX1.1 | Publication | File (digital) | Kevin Jones, Foday Jaward, Johannes Barth, Peter Grathwohl | 0 | NPDA |
31654 | Spatio-temporal habitat dynamics in a changing Danube river landscape 1812 1991 | Publication | File (digital) | Severin Hohensinner, Mathias Jungwirth, Susanne Muhar, Stefan Schmutz | 0 | NPDA |
42712 | Fachsymposium Wasserbau östlich von Wien wie geht es weiter? - Zusammenfassung | Publication | File (digital) | Nationalpark Donau-Auen | 2015 | NPDA |
42402 | Ökologische Entwicklungsziele Fadenbach | Publication | File (digital) | Walter Reckendorfer, Susanne Keckeis | 2001 | NPDA |
32295 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F3.6 | Publication | File (digital) | E. Petelet-Giraud, Ph. Négrel, R. Millot, S. Roy, G. Klaver, B. Van Os, M. de Jonge, I. Bakker, S. Picone | 0 | NPDA |
42614 | Gewässervernetzungsmaßnahmen: Literaturrecherche und limnologische Bewertung von Projekten mit Relevanz für den Nationalpark Donau-Auen | Publication | File (digital) | Gerald Zauner, Eva Schager | 2000 | NPDA |
32292 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: Flux 3.2 | Publication | File (digital) | E. Petelet-Giraud, Ph. Négrel, R. Millot, S. Roy, J. Casanova, G. Klaver, B. Van Os, H.Gieske | 0 | NPDA |
42652 | DANUBE INSIDE (rumänisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2013 | NPDA |
32430 | Case Study: Litter along the DanubeLitter along the Danube | Publication | None | Nele Schüttpelz | 0 | NPDA |
31735 | Untersuchung der Uferstrukturen der Donau anhand ausgewählter hydromorphologischer Parameter von Wien bis zur Mündung in das Schwarze Meer | Publication | File (digital) | Sybille Walker | 0 | NPDA |
31652 | Historical change of European floodplains: the Danube River in Austria | Publication | File (digital) | Severin Hohensinner, Anton Drescher | 0 | NPDA |
29567 | Dotation Lobau: Abschnitt Obere Lobau: Beweissicherung 2005: Bericht Hydrochemie & Phytoplankton | Publication | Paperwork | Weigelhofer, G., Bondar, E., Zornig, H., Hein, T., Riedler, P., & Donaubaum, K. | 2005 | NPDA |
42689 | Danubeparks Newsletter 14.07.2011 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2011 | NPDA |
29571 | Dotation Lobau Abschnitt Obere Lobau Beweissicherung 2003 Bericht Hydrochemie & Phytoplankton - Teil Hydrochemie | Publication | Paperwork | Hirzinger V. & Hein T. | 2003 | NPDA |
32288 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM1.2 | Publication | File (digital) | Ruben Kretzschmar, Andreas Voegelin, Frank-Andreas Weber | 0 | NPDA |
32272 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC 2.5 | Publication | File (digital) | Sandra Meijer, Kieron Doick, Kirk Semple, Kevin C Jones | 0 | NPDA |
42688 | Danubeparks Newsletter - special conference edition | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2011 | NPDA |
33325 | Ein Beitrag zur flussmorphologisch orientierten Untersuchung der Sohlstabilität der Donau zwischen Wien und Marchmündung | Publication | File (digital) | Gerhard Klasz, Institut für Hydraulik, Gewässerkunde und Wasserwirtschaft | 0 | NPDA |
32271 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM2.3 | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Grathwohl, Christophe Mouvet, Bertrand Ligouis, Tilman Gocht | 0 | NPDA |
31740 | An Evaluation of Flood Retention Capacity by the Danube Floodplains in Austria | Publication | File (digital) | Astrid Tishler | 0 | NPDA |
32314 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F2.6 | Publication | File (digital) | B. van der Grift, A. Marsman, E. Kalbus, M. Bayer-Raich, F. Reinstorf, M. Schirmer, E. Petelet-Giraud, A. Brenot, P. Negrel, L. Gourcy, N. Baran | 0 | NPDA |
32254 | Investigating the amount of zeroing in modern sediments of River Danube, Austria | Publication | File (digital) | Markus Fiebig, Frank Preusser | 0 | NPDA |
32286 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM1.1 | Publication | File (digital) | Kai Totsche, Britt Pagels | 0 | NPDA |
31686 | The significance of side-arm connectivity for carbon cycling of large rivers | Publication | File (digital) | Stefan Preiner | 0 | NPDA |
42638 | Statutes of the Association Danubeparks | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2014 | NPDA |
32284 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BGC 1.7 | Publication | File (digital) | Ruben Kretzschmar, Andreas Voegelin, Frank-Andreas Weber | 0 | NPDA |
32281 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: BIOGEOCHEM2.1 | Publication | File (digital) | Peter Grathwohl, Christophe Mouvet, Johannes Barth | 0 | NPDA |
42685 | Netzwerk der Donau-Schutzgebiete (bulgarisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2010 | NPDA |
29621 | Bericht zum Wasserwirtschaftlichen Projekt 'Dotation Panozzalacke 2004' Wasserqualitätsentwicklung | Publication | Paperwork | Weigelhofer G., Bondar E. & T. Hein | 2004 | NPDA |
29538 | Historical analyses: a foundation for developing and evaluating river-type specific restoration programs | Publication | Paperwork | Hohensinner, S., Jungwirth, M., Muhar, S. & Habersack, H. | 2005 | NPDA |
42675 | DANUBEPARKS Project Report 2009-2012 (bulgarisch) | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2012 | NPDA |
42658 | Danubeparks Newsletter 08.07.2013 | Publication | File (digital) | Danubeparks | 2013 | NPDA |
32316 | AquaTerra: Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change; Deliverable No.: F2.2 | Publication | File (digital) | B. van der Grift, A. Marsman, P. Middeldorp, C. Schmidt, M. Bayer-Raich, F. Reinstorf, M. Schirmer, N. Baran, A. Gutierrez, Ph. Négrel | 0 | NPDA |